Cornelia Lund
CV Cornelia Lund is an art historian, media theorist and curator living in Berlin. She holds a PhD on “French Poetry Illustrations” from the University of Stuttgart, where she has also worked as a research associate at the International Center for Cultural and Technological Studies from 2001 to 2004. Since 2004, together with Holger Lund, she has been running fluctuating images (Berlin), a platform for contemporary media art. In fall/winter 2011/2012 she was visiting professor for “Art.Aesthetic.Media” at the University of Applied Sciences in Düsseldorf. Currently, she is research fellow in a DFG research project on German documentary film at the University of Hamburg and also teaching design research at the University of Applied Sciences Vorarlberg. Cornelia’s work as a curator includes screening programs (e.g. Mapping Festival Geneva, Academy of the Arts Berlin, Indedx Festival New York). She has widely published on the relationship of image and text, moving images and sound as well as dance and film, and she is co-editor, together with Holger Lund, of “Audio.Visual – On Visual Music and Related Media” (2009).