FRIDAY, 19 JULY 2013 |
10.00 Nicola Weber, Cornelia Lund, Oliver Schmidt (University of Hamburg)
10.45 Verena Kuni (University of Frankfurt)
After film is before film: F (ANALOGITAL)
11.45 Pause
12.00 Holger Lund (DHBW Ravensburg)
Make it real! On the development of post-digital aesthetics in music videos
13.00 Mittagspause
14.30 David Ziegenhagen (University of Hamburg)
Post-digitality in movie title sequences
15.30 Kathrin Fahlenbrach (Universität Hamburg)
Overcoming the Digital With the Analogue. Transmedial Image Interference as Post-digital Stereotype
16.30 Pause
17.00 Transforma (Berlin)
Video- and Mixed-Media-Performance
SATURDAY, 20 JULY 2013 |
10.00 Daniel Kulle (University of Hamburg)
The New Freedom. Postdigital Film Production Between Prosumer Culture, Art and New Social Movements
11.00 Franziska Heller (Universität Zürich)
Ständig zurück in die Zukunft
. „Mythos Digital“ und Konzepte der Mediengeschichte im Alltag
12.00 Snack
11.45 Peter Kirn (Berlin/City University of New York)
Between Thought and Object: Music and the Material
14.00 Alessandro Ludovico (Anglia Ruskin University Cambridge/
Post Digital Publishing, hybrid and processual objects in print
15.00 — Tagungsende —